The Tragedy

UNRESOLVED, de Appel arts centre, Amsterdam
An eye, a mouth, an anus – or everything at once? The movement of the iris forms an imitation and interpretation of the spectrum of online expressions regarding the course of events in De Appel Arts Centre during the past twelve months. By collecting various data from online platforms and forums, the iris visualises an online world of observations, opinions and emotions. In the middle of a desire for openness and the complexity of a situation lies an extended area of mixed feelings and speculations.

The Nine Day Week, Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius, LT
An eye, a mouth, an anus – or everything at once? The movement of this mechanical iris is run by a moon-based algorithm that artists Jonas Lund has programmed as a cycle of respirations. Among the projects that Jonas Lund has developed together with Gabriel Lester since their first collaborations in 2013 was Super Sargasso Sea that they created for the Performa biennial that same year, a result of the weeks they spent in the Abrons Art Centre, an off-Broadway theatre in New York. This phantom theatre piece without actors, is exclusively made up of decor, light and sound, formed a prelude to Bermuda.

Collaboration with Gabriel Lester