Talk To Me

Talk to me is a conversational chat bot, a chat bot that has been trained and modelled on all previous instant message conversations (Skype, whats app, Facebook messenger) as typed by the artist himself to create a smart, machine learned, automatically talking version of the artist.

As you converse, the chat bot will reply speaking with a voice that is a text to speech synthesised version of the artists voice, created by recording over a 1000 sentences. As a gesture towards eternalisation, the TTS voice of the artist is free to download and use in replacement of Siri or other smart speaking devices.

Talk to Me was introduced at the Virtual Perception exhibition at Huset For Kunst og Design in Holsterbro, Denmark, opening the 9th of February 2017.

At the exhibition you can have a conversation with the artist, without the artist being present.

With kind support by Mivoq for the Text To Speech voice creation.

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