Ranked Browsing, collaboration with ArtFacts.net

This Chrome extension allows you to quickly look up the ArtFacts.net Rank of an artist by simply highlighting their name and right click and select ‘Get ArtFacts Rank’. You can also scan whole pages for artist names and the extension will add the rank after each name it finds from the top 1000 ranked artists.

Install by visiting the Chrome Webstore here https://chrome.google.com/webstore/

From ArtFact’s press release:

Dear readers,

We’re pleased to announce our recent collaboration with artist Jonas Lund, who creates paintings, sculpture, photography, websites and performances incorporating data from his studies of art world trends and behavior.

His Chrome extension is called Ranked Browsing, and it allows you to quickly look up the ArtFacts rank of an artist by simply highlighting their name and right clicking. You can also scan entire pages for artist names and the extension will add the rank after each name it finds from the Top 1000 list.

It’s available for free in the extension store. Go on and give it a spin.